What to Expect: Programmatic I/O 2024

AdExchanger’s Programmatic I/O kicks off in Vegas on May 20. 2024 is shaping up to have a respectable amount of momentum as the industry attempts to progress into the next era of digital marketing, and the agenda reflects that. Here’s what you can expect out of the packed line up.

An entire day dedicated to commerce media

There is officially too much to talk about in the commerce media space to have it peppered in to the agenda. Expect conversations around streamlining the growing web of RMNs, how to use clean rooms, and measurement standardization.  

A “special presentation” by the Google Privacy Sandbox Team

“More details to come,” but we don’t envy Emily Scadden, Head of Americas Ad Tech Partnerships at Google, who will be up on the chopping block in front of hundreds of ad tech pros with a lot of questions. 

How to (actually) move on from cookies

Many sessions focus on tactile ways to address the oft-delayed but imminent extinction of cookies. 

A session with the former FBI agent who helped inform last year’s bombshell ANA programmatic transparency report

Spoiler alert: advertiser behavior is the primary driver behind opaque programmatic practices. 

Only one session on AI

The AI frenzy we saw late last year and into the beginning of 2024 seems to have died down on the conference circuit. It doesn’t seem like AI is poised to take over programmatic quite yet.

Privacy & Politics

A heated presidential election year and countless data privacy bills have the industry wrapped up in what’s going on in Washington. 

Will you be at Programmatic I/O? Reach out to sales@attainoutcomes.com to schedule a meeting. 

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