Kimberly-Clark’s Jason Niemi: ‘Quality Matters as Much as Quantity’

Veteran CPG marketer shares insights on balancing personalization & privacy in age of opt-in data

Jason Niemi, global technology director at Kimberly Clark, is on a mission to help the 152-year-old brand navigate the evolving landscape that is opt-in data. With more than two decades of experience at Fortune 500 companies, Nieme aims to balance personalization and privacy on behalf of customers.

"It's all about setting clear expectations with the consumer," Niemi said. "What are you going to do with their data, and why should they trust you with their most valuable information? That's the foundation of any successful opt-in data strategy."

Niemi made his remarks earlier this week during the latest episode of Ad Tech Forum, hosted by Jeremy Bloom and @AdTechGod.

Although the ad industry has been focused on the importance of obtaining consumer consent and respecting privacy, the real challenge lies in maintaining the quality and relevance of opt-in data over time, said Niemi. "Getting opt-in data has often been about acquisition and quantity," he said. "But there's also a critical aspect of data quality, ensuring that you're keeping the consumer engaged and the information remains relevant over time. As you move forward, considering consent and new capabilities, quality matters as much as quantity."

Obtaining consumer consent is paramount, according to Niemi, as it establishes boundaries and respects the consumer's preferences in areas such as frequency or channels. "When a consumer opts in, there is a period of time from that point forward where they expect to be treated with some sort of communication," said Niemi. "It's about respecting what a consumer is trying to convey as their interest and preference."

Niemi believes data clean rooms and AI will help bolster campaign performance outcomes for advertisers and user experience among consumers. "As you think about expanding and learning and exploring other white space opportunities, potential insights, or adjacent opportunities via things like AI, I think those are all going to be really important technologies for us to be considering," he said. 

To capture Niemi’s full insight on the future consumer privacy, be sure to check out the full episode of the Ad Tech Forum here

Follow and listen to past episodes here.

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